How to keep your eggs at their healthiest

How to keep your eggs at their healthiest and  improve chances of fertility and healthy pregnancy.

Many ladies who are struggling to conceive are often told they 'don't have good eggs' or their eggs are too 'old'. But what most women don’t know, is that there are things you can do to help support the health of ovaries and eggs as they prepare for ovulation.

Many ladies who are struggling to conceive are often told they 'don't have good eggs' or their eggs are too 'old'. But what most women don’t know, is that there are things you can do to help support the health of ovaries and eggs as they prepare for ovulation.


We know that a woman is born with all of the eggs she will need. However as Zita West states, 'Egg health is the cornerstone to fertility and they need to be nourished in order to mature, ovulate, fertilise, implant and finally, make a baby.' (

Consequently even though the amount and quality of the eggs are genetically determined and reduce over the years, the environment the eggs are growing in can be affected by many lifestyle factors.

An egg lives up to 24 hours, so in this short window of time, it needs to be as healthy as it can be. Here are some top tips!

Hormones The right hormones, released at the right time and at the right level are crucial for egg ovulation. The stability of hormones are crucial for a full fertile menstrual cycle. Factors such as stress, lack of sleep, poor diet can all have a considerable effect on hormones. An increase in stress hormones can be detrimental to the menstrual cycle hormones so it is important to look at how stress affects your life and make suitable changes. Whether that's through exercise, yoga, walking in the park, or mindfulness and breathing techniques, find something that works for you, take the time to stop and replenish.

Diet Good diet with all the necessary vitamins and minerals is crucial for the egg to divide after fertilisation and go on to develop as a foetus. Omega 3,6,9 are important as is vitamin D. There has been a lot of recent research about the importance of vitamin D in conception and miscarriage. See .... For mor information. Going organic can be a great swap to make. Milk can have many hormones in it, so it is a good place to start!

Toxicity! Lower your toxicity so that less damage is done to your eggs. This means no smoking or alcohol, and eating a clean and nutritious diet to give you all the ammunition you need. Having a glass of warm water with a slice of lemon in first thing in the morning gives the liver a good cleanse to start the day.  You can also take this a step further and look at the items that come in contact with you such as makeup, soaps and deodorants and look to swap them for more natural, organic alternatives.

Circulation Encourage good circulation to the reproduction system and pelvis. Daily abdomen massage can be beneficial to get that circulation pumping. Place your palms of your hands on your belly and circle around your belly button in a clockwise direction. If you are currently trying to conceive, perform the massage from the day after your period has ended up until ovulation. Circulation can be reduced by lack of exercise and dehydration. Drinking the recommended 6 to 8 glasses of water every day is a must to keep hydrated and keep your circulation as good as possible. Exercise increases the blood flow in the body, brings fresh blood to all of the cells and helps to oxygenate the blood. And returning to our first point it can be key to reducing stress in your body, thus enabling the best environment for your eggs. If you wish to know any further details please do not hesitate to get in touch.