
Aromatherapy is the art of blending essential oils. It works with the pure properties of plants, using their essential oils, in a treatment that can help improve physical and emotional well being.

Aromatic oils have been used in healthcare for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks were well established in their appreciation of the benefits of essential oils. Essential oils can be absorbed both by the skin and lungs. The oils can have a physical effect, by causing chemical changes in your bodily systems, or promoting psychological effects through aroma. Smell has a direct access route to the brain, thus invoking an immediate bodily response when fragrances are inhaled.

Each oil has different therapeutic properties, thus aiding in the treatment of a wide range of conditions. Aromatherapy oils can help to promote emotional well being and good health. This, combined with the benefits of full body massage, provides a holistic treatment and thoroughly relaxing experience.

Treatment Benefits

  • Stress relief

  • Stimulate immune system

  • Improved blood and lymph circulation

  • Improved breathing

  • Increased energy levels

  • Ease muscular aches and pains

Treatment Cost: £43

Treatment Duration: 45 mins