Neuro Physiotherapy

Neuro physiotherapy is a speciality of physiotherapy that focuses on rehabilitation of impairments caused by neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), brain injury, spinal cord injury and Guillain Barre.

The brain and nervous system are able to both lose and form new connections, a phenomenon called neuroplasticity.  Neuro physiotherapy can influence neuroplasticity through specialist assessment, handling and tailored movement and exercise programmes. Neuro physiotherapy can help the brain and nervous system form new synaptic connections – so it can rewire the brain and nervous system to learn, or re-learn movements and tasks.

Impairments can range from not being able to sit or walk, to loss of fine movements of arm, leg or hand, reduced strength, increased tightness or tone within muscles, fatigue and difficulties completing activities of daily living.  Improvements will depend on the extent of the damage or injury and how early and how much neuro physiotherapy is provided. Being able to take part in rehabilitation and being enthusiastic both help with recovery and improvement and engagement of family and friends can help with morale and determination.

Neuro physiotherapy can help at all stages of long-term neurological conditions, even if it is many years since diagnosis or initial injury or if the condition has plateaued and symptoms are staying the same. Neuro physiotherapy can help to reduce pain, maintain movement, improve strength and balance and help with mood, motivation and mental well-being, both in one-to-one sessions and group/class situations.

Some useful guidance from our Hannah, our neuro physiotherapist for you to browse:

Stroke Guide

Parkinsons Physiotherapy

MS Society Physiotherapy

Treatment Cost: £60

Treatment Duration: 1 hour