
A unique offering bringing together the benefits of 2 treatments; massage and acupuncture.

This treatment is wonderful at alleviating symptoms of stress and depression by releasing endorphins and improving the circulation of blood and lymph to help increase oxygen flow to aid recovery. Additionally by reducing levels of the stress hormone cortisol this will lower the heart rate and relax muscular tension.

During the treatment you will receive a deep tissue massage, usually focused on the back, neck and shoulders, to alleviate stress and tension and identify any tight areas that the therapist will need to pay extra attention to. This will then be followed by traditional chinese medicine acupuncture where the therapist will use points identified as suitable for you. This will usually involve back points and sometimes points on the arms and legs.

This treatment is ideal for helping those with chronic tension, muscular tension and headaches, anxiety relief, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia and general wellness support.

Treatment Cost: £44

Treatment Duration: 45 min